Vocational studies
What makes Kanya King an entrepreneur?
Worksheet to use with the audio file from BBC i-player - radio interview with Kanya King lasting just over 15 mins - where she discusses how she started off in business.
BTEC National Health and Social Care Unit 4 - Introduction
Unit 4 - Enquiries into Current Research in Health and Social Care - quick intro presentation.
Unit 4 Introduction - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-4-introduction-12578687
A1 and A2- https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-4-learning-aim-a1-and-a2-12578690
B1 and B2 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-4-learning-aims-b1-and-b2-12578691
B3 and B4 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-4-learning-aims-b3-and-b4-12581100
C1, C2 and C3 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-4-learning-aims-c1-c2-and-c3-12592630
BTEC National Health and Social Care Unit 1 - Introduction
Unit 1 - Human Lifespan Development - quick intro presentation.
Find resources for every Unit 1 Learning Aim using the links below:
A1 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-a1-12571685
A2 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-a2-12571704
A3 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-a3-12573955
A4 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-a4-12583426
B1 and B2 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-b1-and-learning-aim-b2-12586905
B3 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-b3-12586911
B4 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-b4-12590324
B5 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-b5-12592599
B6 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-b6-12592602
C1 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-c1-12594891
C2 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-c2-12596817
C3 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-c3-12597245
Tech Award Enterprise 2022 - Course Intro
PowerPoint and student reference sheets.
Assessment criteria for Component 1 - on one sheet (drives me mad when they’re supplied on multiple pages, sometimes with tables split over two pages!)
The text is v small though, so you can experiment on the photocopier and decide if you’d prefer to enlarge to A3 maybe.
Resources for the 2022 course are being constantly updated - please check in my shop regularly.
BTEC National Health and Social Care Unit 1 - Learning Aim A2
Presentation and resources for Learning Aim A2 of Unit 1 - Human Lifespan Development.
Sufficient resources for at least two lessons if not more - depending on how in-depth you want to go into the theories.
The presentation signposts pages from the textbook and the revision guide.
Find resources for every Unit 1 Learning Aim using the links below:
Intro - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-introduction-12571677
A1 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-a1-12571685
A2 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-a2-12571704
A3 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-a3-12573955
A4 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-a4-12583426
B1 and B2 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-b1-and-learning-aim-b2-12586905
B3 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-b3-12586911
B4 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-b4-12590324
B5 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-b5-12592599
B6 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-b6-12592602
C1 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-c1-12594891
C2 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-c2-12596817
C3 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-c3-12597245
BTEC National Health and Social Care Unit 1 - Learning Aim C3
Presentation and past exam questions for Learning Aim C3 - Human Lifespan Development.
These resources focus on:
C3) THE SOCIETAL EFFECTS OF AN AGEING POPULATION (inc health and social care provision for the aged, and the economic effects of an ageing population)
The attached is sufficient for at least one double lesson and most probably more.
The presentations signpost pages from the revision guide if you are using this.
BTEC National Health and Social Care Unit 1 - Learning Aim B3
Presentation and past exam questions for Learning Aim B3 - Human Lifespan Development.
These resources focus on ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS THAT IMPACT DEVELOPMENT (inc exposure to pollution, poor housing and access to health and social care services)
The attached is sufficient for at least one lesson.
The presentation signposts pages from the textbook and revision guide if you are using these.
BTEC National Health and Social Care Unit 1 - Learning Aim C1
Presentation and past exam questions for Learning Aim C1 - Human Lifespan Development.
These resources focus on:
C1) THE PHYSICAL CHANGES OF AGEING (inc cardiovascular disease, degeneration of nervous tissue, osteoarthritis, degeneration of sense organs, reduced nutrient absorption, dementia & Alzheimer’s disease, illnesses common to ageing)
The attached is sufficient for at least one double lesson and most probably more.
The presentations signpost pages from the revision guide if you are using this.
BTEC National Health and Social Care Unit 1 - Learning Aim B5
Presentation, tasks and past exam questions for Learning Aim B5 - Human Lifespan Development.
These resources focus on:
B5) ECONOMIC FACTORS THAT AFFECT DEVELOPMENT (inc income & expenditure, employment status, education, and lifestyle)
The attached is sufficient for at least one double lesson.
The presentations signpost pages from the textbook and the revision guide if you are using these.
BTEC National Health and Social Care Unit 1 - Learning Aim C2
Presentation and past exam questions for Learning Aim C2 - Human Lifespan Development.
These resources focus on:
C2) THE PSYCHOLOGICAL CHANGES OF AGEING (inc the effects on confidence and self-esteem, the effects of social change, financial concerns, the effects of culture, religion and beliefs, ‘Social Disengagement Theory’, ‘Activity Theory’, and ‘Continuity Theory’)
The attached is sufficient for at least one double lesson and most probably more.
The presentations signpost pages from the revision guide if you are using this.
Business Aims and Objectives: Component 1 - Tech Award Enterprise 2022
These resources are sufficient for one lesson about business aims and objectives, and designed for teaching BTEC Tech Award 2022 – Component 1.
The files include:
• A presentation to cover the content, with planned, built-in questions that provide opportunities for questioning and discussion.
• A worksheet linked to the presentation topic.
A note on this series of resources for BTEC Tech Award – Enterprise (2022):
Firstly, thank you to everyone who purchased the resources I produced for the 2018 version of this spec – I could never have anticipated how popular they were going to be and I’m so happy I could help so many other teachers!
I have now updated the resources to fit the changes in the 2022 spec.
In my shop you will find resources for individual topic lessons for the 2022 spec, but you will also find packages of multiple lessons – these are not TES Bundles, but they are groups of presentations and worksheets that are almost identical to the individual lessons, and grouped according to the assessment criteria for the PSA. However, they are paired with further resources/templates for completing a practice PSA alongside learning the content. With this format, students will learn the content AND apply their learning as they go, in a manner whereby they can be guided and supported to feel confident about tackling their real PSA later on.
The packages with the practice PSA tasks are much better value for money – unless all you’re looking for is a single topic lesson of course!
I really hope you continue to find my resources useful. If so, please be kind and show your appreciation by leaving a review, so that it helps me - and helps others to find quality resources.
: )
Features of SMEs: Component 1 - Tech Award Enterprise 2022
These resources are sufficient for one lesson about features of SMEs, and designed for teaching BTEC Tech Award 2022 – Component 1.
The files include:
• A presentation to cover the content, with planned, built-in questions that provide opportunities for questioning and discussion.
• A worksheet linked to the presentation topic.
A note on this series of resources for BTEC Tech Award – Enterprise (2022):
Firstly, thank you to everyone who purchased the resources I produced for the 2018 version of this spec – I could never have anticipated how popular they were going to be and I’m so happy I could help so many other teachers!
I have now updated the resources to fit the changes in the 2022 spec.
In my shop you will find resources for individual topic lessons for the 2022 spec, but you will also find packages of multiple lessons – these are not TES Bundles, but they are groups of presentations and worksheets that are almost identical to the individual lessons, and grouped according to the assessment criteria for the PSA. However, they are paired with further resources/templates for completing a practice PSA alongside learning the content. With this format, students will learn the content AND apply their learning as they go, in a manner whereby they can be guided and supported to feel confident about tackling their real PSA later on.
The packages with the practice PSA tasks are much better value for money – unless all you’re looking for is a single topic lesson of course!
I really hope you continue to find my resources useful. If so, please be kind and show your appreciation by leaving a review, so that it helps me - and helps others to find quality resources.
: )
Managing Customers and Resources: Component 1 - Tech Award Enterprise 2022
These resources are sufficient for one lesson about managing customers and resources, and designed for teaching BTEC Tech Award 2022 – Component 1.
The files include:
• A presentation to cover the content, with planned, built-in questions that provide opportunities for questioning and discussion.
• A worksheet linked to the presentation topic.
A note on this series of resources for BTEC Tech Award – Enterprise (2022):
Firstly, thank you to everyone who purchased the resources I produced for the 2018 version of this spec – I could never have anticipated how popular they were going to be and I’m so happy I could help so many other teachers!
I have now updated the resources to fit the changes in the 2022 spec.
In my shop you will find resources for individual topic lessons for the 2022 spec, but you will also find packages of multiple lessons – these are not TES Bundles, but they are groups of presentations and worksheets that are almost identical to the individual lessons, and grouped according to the assessment criteria for the PSA. However, they are paired with further resources/templates for completing a practice PSA alongside learning the content. With this format, students will learn the content AND apply their learning as they go, in a manner whereby they can be guided and supported to feel confident about tackling their real PSA later on.
The packages with the practice PSA tasks are much better value for money – unless all you’re looking for is a single topic lesson of course!
I really hope you continue to find my resources useful. If so, please be kind and show your appreciation by leaving a review, so that it helps me - and helps others to find quality resources.
: )
Suitability of market research methods: Component 1 - Tech Award Enterprise 2022
These resources are sufficient for at least one lesson - to cover suitability of market research methods, and designed for teaching BTEC Tech Award 2022 – Component 1: Task B4
The files include:
• A detailed presentation to cover the content, with planned, built-in questions that provide opportunities for questioning and discussion.
• Two detailed worksheets for various different tasks linked to the presentation topic.
A note on this series of resources for BTEC Tech Award – Enterprise (2022):
Firstly, thank you to everyone who purchased the resources I produced for the 2018 version of this spec – I could never have anticipated how popular they were going to be and I’m so happy I could help so many other teachers!
I have now updated the resources to fit the changes in the 2022 spec.
In my shop you will find resources for individual topic lessons for the 2022 spec, but you will also find packages of multiple lessons – these are not TES Bundles, but they are groups of presentations and worksheets that are almost identical to the individual lessons, and grouped according to the assessment criteria for the PSA. However, they are paired with further resources/templates for completing a practice PSA alongside learning the content. With this format, students will learn the content AND apply their learning as they go, in a manner whereby they can be guided and supported to feel confident about tackling their real PSA later on.
The packages with the practice PSA tasks are much better value for money – unless all you’re looking for is a single topic lesson of course!
I really hope you continue to find my resources useful. If so, please be kind and show your appreciation by leaving a review, so that it helps me - and helps others to find quality resources.
: )
Business Ownership: Component 1 - Tech Award Enterprise 2022
These resources are sufficient for one lesson about business ownership, and designed for teaching BTEC Tech Award 2022 – Component 1.
The files include:
• A presentation to cover the content, with planned, built-in questions that provide opportunities for questioning and discussion.
• A worksheet linked to the presentation topic.
A note on this series of resources for BTEC Tech Award – Enterprise (2022):
Firstly, thank you to everyone who purchased the resources I produced for the 2018 version of this spec – I could never have anticipated how popular they were going to be and I’m so happy I could help so many other teachers!
I have now updated the resources to fit the changes in the 2022 spec.
In my shop you will find resources for individual topic lessons for the 2022 spec, but you will also find packages of multiple lessons – these are not TES Bundles, but they are groups of presentations and worksheets that are almost identical to the individual lessons, and grouped according to the assessment criteria for the PSA. However, they are paired with further resources/templates for completing a practice PSA alongside learning the content. With this format, students will learn the content AND apply their learning as they go, in a manner whereby they can be guided and supported to feel confident about tackling their real PSA later on.
The packages with the practice PSA tasks are much better value for money – unless all you’re looking for is a single topic lesson of course!
I really hope you continue to find my resources useful. If so, please be kind and show your appreciation by leaving a review, so that it helps me - and helps others to find quality resources.
: )
Personal qualities for entrepreneurship: Component 1 - Tech Award Enterprise 2022
These resources are sufficient for one lesson about the personal qualities needed by an entrepreneur, and designed for teaching BTEC Tech Award 2022 – Component 1.
The files include:
• A presentation to cover the content, with planned, built-in questions that provide opportunities for questioning and discussion.
• A worksheet linked to the presentation topic.
A note on this series of resources for BTEC Tech Award – Enterprise (2022):
Firstly, thank you to everyone who purchased the resources I produced for the 2018 version of this spec – I could never have anticipated how popular they were going to be and I’m so happy I could help so many other teachers!
I have now updated the resources to fit the changes in the 2022 spec.
In my shop you will find resources for individual topic lessons for the 2022 spec, but you will also find packages of multiple lessons – these are not TES Bundles, but they are groups of presentations and worksheets that are almost identical to the individual lessons, and grouped according to the assessment criteria for the PSA. However, they are paired with further resources/templates for completing a practice PSA alongside learning the content. With this format, students will learn the content AND apply their learning as they go, in a manner whereby they can be guided and supported to feel confident about tackling their real PSA later on.
The packages with the practice PSA tasks are much better value for money – unless all you’re looking for is a single topic lesson of course!
I really hope you continue to find my resources useful. If so, please be kind and show your appreciation by leaving a review, so that it helps me - and helps others to find quality resources.
: )
Business Size: Component 1 - Tech Award Enterprise 2022
These resources are sufficient for one lesson about business size, and designed for teaching BTEC Tech Award 2022 – Component 1.
The files include:
• A presentation to cover the content, with planned, built-in questions that provide opportunities for questioning and discussion.
• A worksheet linked to the presentation topic.
A note on this series of resources for BTEC Tech Award – Enterprise (2022):
Firstly, thank you to everyone who purchased the resources I produced for the 2018 version of this spec – I could never have anticipated how popular they were going to be and I’m so happy I could help so many other teachers!
I have now updated the resources to fit the changes in the 2022 spec.
In my shop you will find resources for individual topic lessons for the 2022 spec, but you will also find packages of multiple lessons – these are not TES Bundles, but they are groups of presentations and worksheets that are almost identical to the individual lessons, and grouped according to the assessment criteria for the PSA. However, they are paired with further resources/templates for completing a practice PSA alongside learning the content. With this format, students will learn the content AND apply their learning as they go, in a manner whereby they can be guided and supported to feel confident about tackling their real PSA later on.
The packages with the practice PSA tasks are much better value for money – unless all you’re looking for is a single topic lesson of course!
I really hope you continue to find my resources useful. If so, please be kind and show your appreciation by leaving a review, so that it helps me - and helps others to find quality resources.
: )
Business Models: Component 1 - Tech Award Enterprise 2022
These resources are sufficient for one lesson about business models, and designed for teaching BTEC Tech Award 2022 – Component 1.
The files include:
• A presentation to cover the content, with planned, built-in questions that provide opportunities for questioning and discussion.
• A worksheet linked to the presentation topic.
A note on this series of resources for BTEC Tech Award – Enterprise (2022):
Firstly, thank you to everyone who purchased the resources I produced for the 2018 version of this spec – I could never have anticipated how popular they were going to be and I’m so happy I could help so many other teachers!
I have now updated the resources to fit the changes in the 2022 spec.
In my shop you will find resources for individual topic lessons for the 2022 spec, but you will also find packages of multiple lessons – these are not TES Bundles, but they are groups of presentations and worksheets that are almost identical to the individual lessons, and grouped according to the assessment criteria for the PSA. However, they are paired with further resources/templates for completing a practice PSA alongside learning the content. With this format, students will learn the content AND apply their learning as they go, in a manner whereby they can be guided and supported to feel confident about tackling their real PSA later on.
The packages with the practice PSA tasks are much better value for money – unless all you’re looking for is a single topic lesson of course!
I really hope you continue to find my resources useful. If so, please be kind and show your appreciation by leaving a review, so that it helps me - and helps others to find quality resources.
: )
Understanding customer needs: Component 1 - Tech Award Enterprise 2022
These resources are sufficient for at least one lesson to cover market research for understanding customer needs, and designed for teaching BTEC Tech Award 2022 – Component 1: B2
The files include:
• A lengthy presentation to cover the content, with planned, built-in questions that provide opportunities for questioning and discussion.
• A worksheets linked to the presentation topic designed for students to demonstrate their understanding.
A note on this series of resources for BTEC Tech Award – Enterprise (2022):
Firstly, thank you to everyone who purchased the resources I produced for the 2018 version of this spec – I could never have anticipated how popular they were going to be and I’m so happy I could help so many other teachers!
I have now updated the resources to fit the changes in the 2022 spec.
In my shop you will find resources for individual topic lessons for the 2022 spec, but you will also find packages of multiple lessons – these are not TES Bundles, but they are groups of presentations and worksheets that are almost identical to the individual lessons, and grouped according to the assessment criteria for the PSA. However, they are paired with further resources/templates for completing a practice PSA alongside learning the content. With this format, students will learn the content AND apply their learning as they go, in a manner whereby they can be guided and supported to feel confident about tackling their real PSA later on.
The packages with the practice PSA tasks are much better value for money – unless all you’re looking for is a single topic lesson of course!
I really hope you continue to find my resources useful. If so, please be kind and show your appreciation by leaving a review, so that it helps me - and helps others to find quality resources.
: )
Motivation and reasons for entrepreneurship: Component 1 - Tech Award Enterprise 2022
These resources are sufficient for one lesson about the motivation and reasons to become an entrepreneur, and designed for teaching BTEC Tech Award 2022 – Component 1.
The files include:
• A presentation to cover the content, with planned, built-in questions that provide opportunities for questioning and discussion.
• Two worksheets linked to the presentation topic.
A note on this series of resources for BTEC Tech Award – Enterprise (2022):
Firstly, thank you to everyone who purchased the resources I produced for the 2018 version of this spec – I could never have anticipated how popular they were going to be and I’m so happy I could help so many other teachers!
I have now updated the resources to fit the changes in the 2022 spec.
In my shop you will find resources for individual topic lessons for the 2022 spec, but you will also find packages of multiple lessons – these are not TES Bundles, but they are groups of presentations and worksheets that are almost identical to the individual lessons, and grouped according to the assessment criteria for the PSA. However, they are paired with further resources/templates for completing a practice PSA alongside learning the content. With this format, students will learn the content AND apply their learning as they go, in a manner whereby they can be guided and supported to feel confident about tackling their real PSA later on.
The packages with the practice PSA tasks are much better value for money – unless all you’re looking for is a single topic lesson of course!
I really hope you continue to find my resources useful. If so, please be kind and show your appreciation by leaving a review, so that it helps me - and helps others to find quality resources.
: )